Saturday, August 18, 2012

A note you should know from the Sun Belt Insider:

Hello and thank you for visiting the Sun Belt Insider. The Sun Belt Insider is an un-official blog that covers the Sun Belt Conference sports and all teams, those that are leaving and those that are entering.

Back in May when I decided to dedicate and commit my time to this, I did it with sincerity and from my heart. Why, because I noticed that there was no other active blogs out there that was dedicated to the Sun Belt Conference and its sports. So I took upon myself the challenge to bring highlights and coverage on an independent level so that the fans, followers and those that are interested in the Sun Belt Conference would know what’s happening, all the highlights, about the players and etc.

I want to thank the many visitors and supports of the Sun Belt Insider, for many years since the existence of this great conference, major media outlets don’t provide the sufficient coverage of the Sun Belt Conference as others. I’ve noticed that Sun Belt Conference and some teams often be left out of coverage, so that’s why I dedicated my time so that this conference will have someone to relate sports news to fans and those that are interested in the conference.

I want to say to all my fellow visitors, followers and supporters, that there are some that hate, some that misbelieve, and those that really don’t care. I wonder what their purpose is. Let me give you an example. I ask the Media Relations Director for media passes on this past week for South Alabama football games, and when I called he answered and I explained who I was and why I was calling. He laughed and I was denied any media passes, due to the fact that I am a independent blog.

A team that is freshly new and entering FBS should be willing to provide media access to their games, outside of major media markets, which half might not even report or show up to report. This is another sign on how locals are treated with this program and why locals don’t often support the program. Locals are left out in the sense if you are not in the select few.  

But it’s my hometown team, a team that I love and support and also provide the most coverage on this blog than any other media outlet. It was me that wrote a nice email to the local newspaper reporter that covers South Alabama football, to complain about the less coverage the program is getting. And now you see something about them every day in the local paper, and I will also always support this team regardless of the ups and the downs.

I have watched how in other conferences, where they support those independent bloggers that support their conferences and events.

And here at the Sun Belt Conference I want to thank all those that support the insider, and to those schools that have offered me media passes to your games and events for coverage. I do greatly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. You mean a lot to me to know that you care and thankful for this blog. There have been over 7,000 visitors to my blog and I appreciate you all.

There is one thing that I want be; and that’s discouraged; It’s because I love and support this conference and the teams that are in this conference. I pray that you all will continue to support and follow the Sun Belt Insider now and in the future.